Gabriel, How have you been

by Ryan Rowell

I am so happy to have read this post I have just read here, as it brings back memories of the time I was stuck in Paris France. Canada 3000 had just gone bankrupt and my return ticket was then void. Looking for the last few drops in my bank account at an ATM machine, I was introduced to Gabriel – a man living on the streets with his puppy. My account had no money left in it and so I was unable to take any, but the man asked in about 4 different languages if I was able to spare some change. Jokingly I admitted that I was in the same situation as he was, and decided to offer him some conversation and cigarettes. I was surprised at how accommodating he was and forthcoming with great conversation. We talked about politics in Canada (to my surprise he knew quite a lot more than I did) and peoples attitudes towards his lifestyle. Gabriel even went as far as to try and get me some help at the local American church, I declined his offer but appreciated his every effort to help. We must have talked for an hour or two, and near the end of our conversations he asked me for a simple favor. He asked me if I was able to stay and hold onto his dogs leash and watch his bag while he went into the bank to use the washroom.
To this day I chuckle every time I think about how silly I must have looked to everyone in the streets of Paris. I was dressed with a nice leather jacket, dress shirt and pants, and nice shoes; sitting on this mans pillow holding his bag in one hand and the leash in the other. I watched people passing by look at the scruffy little dog and spare change cup beside him, then their eyes would follow the leash and reach me. I suppose for begging I wasn’t dressed the part, and the looks received were not pleasant.
It has been since 2001 that I talked with Gabriel and find myself still wondering how he is doing.


Krisi and Emma
